Sunday, December 14, 2008

A new beginning

Hello everyone! For those who do not know me (I'm guessing quite a few), you can call me Lou. I am currently studying architecture (proven to be a real sleepless program) at Carleton university in the frigid Ottawa. I am 97 years old (yes, I failed each grade since kindergarten atleast 5 times) and have finally got to this point in life where I think I am ready to display some of my works. Do not expect much computer renders, autoCADs, etc., but instead, most will be my sketches done for projects as well as some (once every so often) mischellaneous drawings. Please post a comment as to help me improve (I really don't want to keep failing, as I am almost 100!) and hopefully I will find many "constructive" criticisms =D
Anyways, enjoy your stay!

- Lou (Lou)

1 comment:

Euan said...